Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hand Out Flyers In The San Diego Area


Distributing flyers around San Diego is seen as one of the best and easiest direct response advertising methods. Its distribution places your promotion and product in the eyes of hundreds or thousands of people, and as a billboard, they see it numerous times as they go to lunch, to their car or other buildings. In this gig, I will focus on distributing your flyer across high traffic locations on the San Diego! 

Your advertisement will stay up for a while where they will be seen by hundreds or thousands of people!


  • Photo proof is included.
  • Quality ink and paper will be used.
  • Feel free to mail me flyers to post around town as well
  • Custom offer are available

Photo proof is GUARANTEED! 

I look forward to working with you in promoting your business or event!


: : : : :

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