Friday, February 28, 2020

Hang 500 Doorhangers Around The Dc Area


For no extra charge I will provide a snapshot of my google maps daily timeline so you can see for yourself that I actually walked these neighborhoods and delivered your ads!

I have hung *hundreds of thousands* of doorhangers around the country since 2011! I used to work for a business which relied exclusively on flyer marketing and I've seen first hand, over and over again, that a well executed flyer campaign can be an absolute game-changer. Like any other form of marketing, doorhangers area numbers game, that's why I recommend 500 to start. If you're in a business where only a sale or two will offset the marketing expense, this is a no-brainer!

I live in the suburbs of DC, where, if you don't know the area, it's actually pretty affluent with lots of government, military and contractors, but if you prefer I'll go into DC proper, we can talk to figure out the best neighborhood to target.

I know from experience that it actually matters WHO does the doorhanger delivery, so for no extra charge I will clean up and dress sharp while representing your business (don't hire slobs to market for you!)


: : : : :

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