Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Interview You For 30 Min


With more than 8 years of experience, I can help prepare you for a critical and important interview of your life. In this competitive job market, being able to interview well will set you apart from other candidates. 

Throughout my career, I have conducted hundreds of interviews. From fraud investigations interviews, to interviewing with many other companies, the key to nailing the interview is knowing how to address the questions that are asked of you, and how to ask challenging questions of the interviewer when you’re done. 

What You Get

  • A mock interview where I ask you questions and coach you on how to improve your answers
  • A list of the 25 most common interview questions
  • A list of the 20 best questions to ask when the interviewer asks, "what questions do you have for me?
  • Advice on how to follow up with the interviewer

Once coaching is completed, you will be more prepared to interview better than the other candidates!


: : : : :

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